Vegueros cigars
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Vegueros is one of the premium cigar brands produced in Cuba for Habanos SA that we carry at The history of the company is more than a half-century long. In 1961, the Francisco Donatien Factory in Cuba's westernmost province, Pinar del Rio, decided to widen its selection of products by producing cigars for home consumption, in addition to cigarettes that it had been producing long before that. These cigars were usually offered at public events and became generally known as Vegueros, named so after the farmers and peasants who work on Cuban tobacco plantations.
The first foreigners to try these cigars were tourists who visited Cuba's tobacco-growing regions, including Vuelta Abajo, one of the most popular tobacco-growing regions, in particular. In 1997, Habanos S.A. decided to make this brand available to a larger audience and launched Vegueros cigars for export. These Vegueros cigars are one of the newest brands that make up the Cuban cigar family.
The cigar selection offered by Vegueros includes four vitolas - the Especial No. 1 (a long panatela) and No. 2 (a panatela), the Mareva (a petit corona) and the Seoane (a small panatela). All of them are made completely by hand.
Since these cigars were initially not supposed to be launched to the international market, they were preserved exactly as in the earlier days and are one of the purest examples of Havanas. Vegueros is also favored by many customers because the cigars produced by this company are more affordable than other cigars brands.