Though there are several countries that produce
cigars, Cuban cigars are still considered to be the
best by many tobacco connoisseurs around the globe.
However, there are too many brands, sizes and
characteristics of Cuban cigars which make it
sometimes difficult to choose one. So let us give a
brief review of the most popular Cuban cigar brands.
Cohiba cigars may be considered as Cuban cigar
industry's leading brand. These cigars first appeared
in 1968 being at first supplied only to the top
government officials. Since 1982 Cohiba cigars are
marketed worldwide and are very popular with those who
like cigar brands with luxurious image.
Montecristo is the cigar brand that enjoys the
greatest popularity in the world. Approximately 50% of
Cuban cigars are produced under this brand.
Montecristo is the standard by which all
Cuban cigars
are evaluated. Montecristo No. 2 cigars and Montecristo No. 4 cigars (which are the
world bestseller) are famous for their unique spicy
flavor which many cigar lovers call "the true Cuban
cigar taste".
Partagas is another top selling Cuban cigar brand to
offer cigars of various sizes and shapes. All cigars
manufactured under this brand usually carry the flavor
of Partagas coffee and chocolate. Bestseller - Partagas Serie D No 4
Diplomaticos brand was founded to offer the
Montecristo cigars line at somewhat lower prices,
targeting mostly the French market. However, later
this brand was developed into a standalone popular
Cuban cigar brand, which is now preferred by many
cigar aficionados worldwide. The bestseller is Diplomaticos 4
Hoyo de Monterrey cigar brand is now leading the "new
generation" Cuban cigars segment, where taste and
flavor are perfectly balanced and burning properties
are enhanced with the latest technological
advancements. Yet these cigars retain the authentic
flavor and aroma of true Cuban cigars.
Another Cuban top selling brand is H. Uppmann. These
cigars are available both hand-made and machine-made.
Each H. Uppmann cigar has a notable "leather" flavor,
though the taste is very smooth and pleasant.
This review could not be considered complete without
mentioning Romeo y Julieta brand. These cigars are
very popular worldwide though the brand was founded to
cater for the local market only. Romeo y Julieta Cuban
cigars are available in various sizes, shapes and
contain many different tobacco blends.
You can rarely meet a Cuban cigars lover who has never
heard of Rafael Gonzales cigars. This brand was
founded in 1928 and its current name was assigned in
1945. Since that Rafael Gonzales cigar brand has been
catering to those who like smooth and mild but yet
rich taste of the best Cuban tobacco blends available.
The last Cuban cigars brand we want to mention in our brief review is Vegueros. The fact is that it is not
easy to buy Vegueros cigars these days, as the stock
has recently run out due to the discount prices. These
Cuban cigars have a somewhat "herbal" flavor and
possess the unique complexity of taste as they have
been ageing for years while in stock.
Whatever Cuban cigar you prefer, you can be sure
you'll get the superb taste and quality as many cigar
production facilities function under the careful
governmental control. Add to this the unique flavor
and aroma of all Cuban cigars tobacco blends which
differ from one province to another and you'll
understand why Cuban cigars are so popular all over
the world and remain the desirable tobacco product for
every connoisseur.
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